My baby is finding it hard to breathe

Babies normally breathe at a faster rate than adults and older children. It is normal for a newborn baby to take slight pauses in their breathing for a few seconds, or to breathe rapidly for a short period. By 6 weeks of age they should have a more regular breathing pattern.

Sometimes a baby’s breathing rate may increase for a longer period of time if they are unwell and you may also notice they are working harder to breath. For babies, the most tiring thing they do is feeding, so this can be the first time you notice them struggling to breathe. If they are too breathless to feed, they need to be seen urgently by a healthcare professional.

It can be very scary watching your baby having difficulty breathing and below are some signs to look out for if you are worried.

When should you worry?

If your child has any of the following:

  • Shows signs of working hard to breathe. These include constantly breathing fast, flaring of the nostrils, drawing in of the muscles below the ribs or making a grunting noise every time they breathe out
  • Is going blue around the lips
  • Has pauses in their breathing lasting more than a few seconds, or an irregular breathing pattern
  • Too breathless to feed
  • Becomes pale, mottled or abnormally cold to touch
  • Becomes stiff for a prolonged period or has rhythmic, jerky movements of arms or legs that does not stop when you touch it (a fit/seizure)
  • Becomes extremely agitated (crying inconsolably despite distraction)
  • Becomes floppy or very lethargic (difficult to wake)
  • Is under 1 month of age with a temperature of 38°C / 100.4°F or above
  • A rash that does not disappear with pressure (see the Glass Test)

You need urgent help.

Go to the nearest Hospital Emergency (A&E) Department or phone 999

If your child has any of the following:

  • Is 1-3 months of age with a temperature of 38°C / 100.4°F or above (but fever is common in babies up to 2 days after they receive vaccinations)
  • Becoming increasingly sleepy and not consistently waking for feeds
  • No wet nappies in the last 8 hours
  • Has a dry mouth or sunken fontanelle (soft spot on the head)
  • Is getting worse or you are worried

You need to contact a doctor or nurse today.

Please ring your GP surgery or call NHS 111 - dial 111

We recognise that during the current COVID-19 crisis, at peak times, access to a health care professional may be delayed. If symptoms persist for 4 hours or more and you have not been able to speak to either a member of staff from your GP practice or to NHS 111 staff, then consider taking them to your nearest ED.

  • None of the above features are present
  • It is normal for a baby to take slight pauses in their breathing for a few seconds, or to breath rapidly for a short period. By 6 weeks of age they should have a more regular breathing pattern.
  • Try to make sure that your baby stays well hydrated - you may need to offer them feeds more frequently than normal. And closely monitor them for any signs of deterioration by looking out for any red or amber features.
  • Additional advice is also available for families to help cope with crying in otherwise well babies – click here.

Self care

Continue providing your child’s care at home. If you are still concerned about your child contact your Health Visitor or call NHS 111 – dial 111

For wear and tear, minor trips and everything in between.


You can treat your child's very minor illnesses and injuries at home.

Some illnesses can be treated in your own home with support and advice from the services listed when required, using the recommended medicines and getting plenty of rest.

Sound advice

Children can recover from illness quickly but also can become more poorly quickly; it is important to seek further advice if a child's condition gets worse.

For information on common childhood illnesses go to What is wrong with my child?

Pharmacists are experts in many aspects of healthcare and can offer advice on a wide range of long-term conditions and common illnesses such as coughs, colds and stomach upsets. You don’t need an appointment and many have private consultation areas, so they are a good first port of call. Your pharmacist will say if you need further medical attention.

Sound advice

  1. Visit a pharmacy if your child is ill, but does not need to see a GP.
  2. Remember that if your child's condition gets worse, you should seek further medical advice immediately.
  3. Help your child to understand - watch this video with them about going to the pharmacy.

For information on common childhood illnesses go to What is wrong with my child?

School nurses care for children and young people, aged 5-19, and their families, to ensure their health needs are supported within their school and community. They work closely with education staff and other agencies to support parents, carers and the children and young people, with physical and/or emotional health needs.

Contacting the School Nurse

Primary and secondary schools have an allocated school nurse – telephone your child’s school to ask for the contact details of your named school nurse.

There is also a specialist nurse who works with families who choose to educate their children at home.

Sound Advice

Before your child starts school your health visitor will meet with the school nursing team to transfer their care to the school nursing service. The school nursing team consists of a school nursing lead, specialist public health practitioners and school health staff nurses.

They all have a role in preventing disease and promoting health and wellbeing, by:-

  • encouraging healthier lifestyles
  • offering immunisations
  • giving information, advice and support to children, young people and their families
  • supporting children with complex health needs

Each member of the team has links with many other professionals who also work with children including community paediatricians, child and adolescent mental health teams, health visitors and speech and language therapists. The school health nursing service also forms part of the multi-agency services for children, young people and families where there are child protection or safeguarding issues.

Improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of expectant mothers, infants, children and young people throughout Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Area.

(N.B: The Family and Therapies team at ABUHB is NOT responsible for the content on the webpage links that we refer to in our resource sections and linked information to external sites. All information was accurate and appropriate at the time the webpage was created.)

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