Congratulations on your pregnancy


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Pregnancy is an exciting and special time. When you have found out you are pregnant, call your GP surgery and you will be allocated a named midwife who will be based within your GP surgery. Your midwife will aim to deliver the majority of your antenatal care, although she works as part of a team, all with the same ethos, and you may be seen by any member of the community midwifery team.

Your first meeting with your midwife is known as your booking visit and usually takes place around 8 weeks pregnant. Your midwife will be in contact with you, via telephone to arrange a convenient date and time to complete your paperwork.  This phone call may come from a withheld or 0330 number.

Your appointment will be either Attend Anywhere or a telephone call. Attend Anywhere is a secure NHS video call service.

For further information please click here.

During this appointment, you will have the opportunity to meet each other, to discuss your individual needs and wishes, and to jointly plan your midwifery care. Some women will have the midwife as the lead professional supporting you in your care - this is known as midwifery led care. Other women will have a consultant supporting and this is known as consultant led care (this may be because you have pre-existing medical or pregnancy conditions.) If you choose the consultant led pathway, we would still encourage you to have regular visits with your named midwife and team.

Please find below useful telephone numbers, information and links in relation to your pregnancy.

Telephone numbers for your local services:

Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Hospital

Birth Centre - 01443 802437     Antenatal Clinic 01443 802434

Nevill Hall Hospital

Birth Units - 01873 732137     Antenatal Clinic 01873 732391

Royal Gwent Hopsital

Birth Units - 01633 234009     Antenatal Clinic 01633 2343479 Option 3

Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan  Hospital

Birth Units - 01495 363309

County Hospital

Antenatal Clinic 01495 768756

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Antenatal Screening

Women who are pregnant will be offered antenatal screening tests during their pregnancy to check their health and the health of their baby. A midwife will explain the different tests you can have as part of your routine antenatal care. Screening may involve ultrasound scans and blood tests. It is important to decide which tests, if any, are right for you.

Taking part in screening is your choice.

Further information on all antenatal screening test can be found here

Please watch this short film clip before you attend your first appointment with the midwife.

Additional information can be found at Antenatal Screening Wales website - Information Resources - Public Health Wales (

or Accessible Resources - Public Health Wales (

For more information or support, speak to your midwife or doctor.

Building a Happy Baby: A guide for parents 

This video looks at the importance of developing close, loving relationships with babies in their early days and weeks. Responding to babies' needs for comfort and food is hugely beneficial for brain development and makes for more confident toddlers. Parents should be supported in breastfeeding responsively and keeping their babies close to help them become happy, healthy and secure children and adults.


  • When you have found out you are pregnant, call your GP surgery and you will be allocated a named midwife who will be based within your GP surgery.
  • You need to take pregnancy vitamins that contain Vitamin D and Folic Acid. Please click here for further information.
  • Here is a link for foods you need to avoid whilst pregnant.
  • Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life. It can be difficult to stop smoking, but it's never too late to quit. Please click here for further information and support to help you quit.
  • Experts are still unsure exactly how much – if any – alcohol is completely safe for you to have while you're pregnant, so the safest approach is not to drink at all while you're expecting. Please click here for further information.
  • Additional information can be found on our Planning for pregnany and Staying Healthy in Pregnancy pages
  • NHS dental check up and treatments are free during pregnancy and until your baby is one year old. It’s advisable to have a dental check up if you haven’t seen a dentist for a while or do not have a dentist – it’s important for the health of your teeth and gums and you can have treatment if you need it, usually later on in pregnancy. Please click here to register for free NHS dental check up and treatments 

Please look at this leaflet to help you in your decision surrounding where to birth your baby.

Your midwife or obstetrician will talk to you about your personal recommendations based on your pregnancy, medial history, any previous pregnancies and healthy lifestyle.

You can choose to accept or decline recommendations, and have your baby wherever you choose, but it important that you have had the opportunity to access the best available evidence.

There are many options of where to have your baby. Further information can be found in our Birthing Your Baby  – Where to have my baby section

All first-time parents in Wales should get a hard copy of Every Child: Your Pregnancy and Birth, or be signposted to the digital version below, early in their pregnancy.

Every Child: Your Pregnancy and Birth

English / Welsh


Here are some other useful guides to pregnancy, birth and looking after your baby from birth up to age 5.


Bump Baby & Beyond: Eating Well As A New Mum

English Welsh

Bump, Baby and Beyond: Your Growing Baby

English Welsh

Bump, Baby and Beyond: Your Toddler

English / Welsh

Covid-19 Vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the UK have been shown to be effective and have a good safety record. It is important that pregnant women are fully vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and their babies.

A COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy guide for all women who are planning a pregnancy, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding can be found here.

Additional information can be found on Covid-19 and Pregnancy. Please click here.

Whooping Cough Vaccine

Getting vaccinated while you’re pregnant is highly effective in protecting your baby from developing whooping cough in the first few weeks of their life. Information about the whooping cough vaccine can be found here. You can booked an appointment for your vaccine through your GP surgery.

Flu Vaccine

Pregnancy puts extra stress on your baby, which can increase your risk of becoming very ill with viruses such as flu. Information about the flu vaccine can be found here.You can booked an appointment for your vaccine through your GP surgery during flu season

For further information on vaccinations in pregnancy please click here

Please click here for information around self-care and looking after your wellbeing and mental health during pregnancy.

Improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of expectant mothers, infants, children and young people throughout Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Area.

(N.B: The Family and Therapies team at ABUHB is NOT responsible for the content on the webpage links that we refer to in our resource sections and linked information to external sites. All information was accurate and appropriate at the time the webpage was created.)

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