BadgerNotes: Digital Maternity Records


BadgerNotes is the online portal and app that allows you to access your maternity records over the internet through your PC, tablet device or mobile phone.

The information that you view is generated in real-time from your hospital-based maternity system record, using details entered by your midwife or other health professionals involved in your care.

What are the key features of the system?

Care Plan

  • A week-by-week timeline of your pregnancy
  • Learn about your baby’s development
  • Access information recommended by your midwife
  • Learn about events likely to happen each week
  • View your booked appointments
  • Write a personal diary entry and add a photo
  • Enter BP or pulse oximetry readings if asked to do so by your Midwife

Maternity Record

  • View extracts of information direct from your medical Record
  • View the members of your care team
  • Watch the ‘Antenatal care summary’ report grow into a record of some of your key pregnancy events

What are the benefits?

Digital notes have replaced our handheld notes. There are a number of benefits to using digital notes over paper notes, and these include:

  • Information can be shared with you directly from the maternity system
  • Records can be easily updated at each maternity visit or appointment
  • Midwives do not have to double enter data onto paper handheld notes
  • Only those with the correct login details are able to access the notes.
  • You can add information regarding:
  • Yourself, such as your occupation and any allergies. This can be discussed with your midwife at your booking appointment
  • Your plans and preferences for birth
  • Feedback regarding your antenatal care, labour and birth experiences.

How secure is it?

• All information is held securely and cannot be accessed without the correct login details (similar to internet banking).

• BadgerNotes is powered by BadgerNet, the same secure platform used by healthcare professionals involved in your maternity care.

BadgerNotes | How to Guides


Download the BadgerNotes App

On your smart phone or tablet download the Badger Notes app from the relevant App Store:

BadgerNotes - on the App Store

BadgerNotes – on Google Play 


To access BadgerNotes on your PC visit:


What you'll need:

The passphrase given to you by your midwife

Your mobile phone to reveive the verification text


Logging in 

When you have consented to using the Maternity Notes Portal, you will have given your email address to the midwife, and they will have set you up with a pass phrase.



Upon opening the App, you will see a confidentiality screen saying you are creating an account with BadgerNet which gives you the opportunity to either cancel or agree.

After pressing agree you will then be taken to the registration page where you will be asked to enter your email address and account activation pass phrase.

Please note the passphrase is case sensitive. The app will then ask to you to create your own password.


Have you used BadgerNotes or Maternity Notes previously?

Add your new care record to your existing account; you need to keep using that and NOT your NHS Login.

• Log in using your existing password

• Click the 3 lines in the top left-hand corner 

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This will open the drop-down selection. Select ‘Add care record’.

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Enter the account activation phrase that has been provided by your Midwife. This will add your current pregnancy. Once the account is activated you will see the option.

Complete your pre-booking questionnaire

If you would like to complete this prior to meeting with your midwife this can be imported directly onto BadgerNotes. This can be revisited and updated until the day of your booking appointment.


Care Plan

  • A week-by-week timeline of your pregnancy
  • Learn about your baby’s development
  • Access reading recommended by your midwife
  • Learn about events likely to happen this week
  • View your booked appointments
  • Write a personal diary entry and add a photo
  • Enter BP or pulse oximetry

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There is a designated birth plan page that you can document your birth choices to discuss with your midwife. Select the conversations tab and select either: 

  • Antenatal support conversation
  • Postnatal support conversation
  • Birth plan



Submit your thoughts and non-urgent questions about your antenatal care, birth plan and postnatal care to your midwife – they will review this at your next appointment.

Leaflet Library 

  • View your hospitals library of pregnancy leaflets, videos and information links to verified web pages.
  • The leaflet library has information for your entire journey.
  • Your care team can suggest reading for you along the way.
  • Turn on notifications to receive reminders about recommended reading.


Sharing notes with your GP/ Other health care provider

  • Click the menu icon (3 lines) and select ‘Share notes with my GP’
  • You can give your GP / other health care provider temporary access to view your notes, for 1 hour
  • You can revoke access at any time
  • They will only be able to view your notes and will not be able to view other information such as your Personal Care Plan.
  • You must log onto the BadgerNotes website to share your record. Select ‘continue to website’ and you will be redirected to the login web page from your BadgerNotes app.
  • Enter your email address and password
  • You will receive a text message with a verification code, enter the code.
  • Select ‘share notes with my GP’
  • You will need to know your GP’s email address and you will need to create a unique, case sensitive, security phase to give to your GP.
  • Once you have input this information and clicked ‘grant access’ your GP/ other health care provider will receive an email containing a web link to click on and input the unique security phase that you have provided.
  • It is not possible for someone to access your record without having both the email and security phrase.

To get help

If you are not seeing information or are struggling to get started, contact your midwife or visit the ‘Help & FAQ’ section in the settings.

You can find your midwife’s name by clicking on the menu symbol and selecting ‘My care team’.

Or visit or contact your midwife.

Improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of expectant mothers, infants, children and young people throughout Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Area.

(N.B: The Family and Therapies team at ABUHB is NOT responsible for the content on the webpage links that we refer to in our resource sections and linked information to external sites. All information was accurate and appropriate at the time the webpage was created.)

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