Children's Nasal Flu
Why are nasal flu vaccinations important in children?
Flu is caused by viruses and spreads easily.
Anyone can get flu but children have the highest rate of infection. Flu can be serious for children and complications can include bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections.
Some children may become unwell with flu that they need to go to hospital.
How does it work?
The flu vaccine is quick and painless and is given via nasal spray – so no needle's needed. For children aged 2-3 the flu vaccine is given at their GP surgery; for children who attend school (Reception - Year 11) the vaccine will be given by the School Nursing Service at the child's school.
Who can have the nasal flu vaccine?
All children from the age of two can have a free flu vaccine in 2023/24. This includes:
• All children in primary school
• All children in secondary school years 7 to 11
• All children who are aged two or three on 31 August 2023
Also, children aged six months or over and who have any of the long-term health conditions that puts them at increased risk from flu.
How do I get my child vaccinated against nasal flu?
To get your child aged 2-3 vaccinated, contact your local GP surgery today.
If your child is in school (Reception - Year 11) please complete your child's E-Consent Form.
If your child is educated at home, contact your local GP surgery today.
The flu vaccine is quick and painless and is given via nasal spray at their GP surgery – so no needle's needed.
More information
For more information on flu, nasal flu and eligibility, visit the Public Health Wales Immunisation page.