Community Midwife
Your community midwife provides you with all routine maternity care from your first “booking in” appointment in early pregnancy to discharging you to the care of the health visitors when your baby is 2 weeks old. She will give you information on keeping you and your baby healthy during pregnancy and refer you to specialists if required.
Whilst you may have individual contact details for your community midwife, if you are concerned about your pregnancy we advise you call the maternity unit on the numbers provided because staff are available 24 hours a day. Please do not leave urgent voicemails or texts on a community midwife’s phone. Please use telephone numbers in the above box.
Obstetricians are doctors that specialise in pregnancy. They are the lead care giver for complicated pregnancies. You may see an obstetrician if you have pre existing medical conditions, develop complications in your pregnancy or require additional support during birth. A midwife will care for you along side an obstetrician.
Antenatal Education
You can find out about the antenatal support services available to you in your local area by signing up to our free Antenal Information sessions. There are variety of face-2-face or virtal options to choose from as well as longer 5/6 week courses. Visit our Eventbrite Page to book your place.