Coping with loss

If you are visiting this page because you or someone you know has experienced the death of a baby, either during pregnancy or shortly after birth, we would first like to say how sorry we are for your loss. The loss of a baby at any gestation will bring up lots of emotions and feelings of grief. There is no right way to process grief, but this page hopes to highlight the amount of support out there in your local and wider community. 

Within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board there is a bereavement midwife available as a point of contact for those affected by the loss of a baby. 

On discharge from hospital, families will be given a contact number and email for further support and information. 

SANDS provides emotional support, comfort and practical help to anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy of shortly after birth. SANDS have a network of around 100 local SANDs support groups throughout the UK. These are run by dedicated volunteers, most of whom have themselves been affected by the death of a baby. They can provide locally- based support and advice to bereaved parents and family. SANDS also offer support to professionals affected by this area. 

SANDs can provide a Family Support Pack with a multitude of information leaflets to provide support and advice to bereaved parents on topics such as: 

  • Saying goodbye to your baby 

  • Supporting children when a baby has died 

  • Future pregnancies after baby loss 

  • Returning to work 

  • Information to employees 

  • Information for fathers and grandparents, friends and family 

SANDs Helpline: 

Phone no:  tel:0808 164 3332



Cardiff and Newport SANDS are currently running two support meetings, via Zoom, on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. One is a support meeting and the other a ‘next pregnancy’ support meeting.  
Facebook profile: Cardiff Newport Sands 

Twitter: @cardiffSANDS 

Instagram: cardiff.newport.sands 



The Beresford centre counselling service offers free information and support along with a friendly listening ear for those experiencing any stage of pregnancy loss.



If you are considering ending a wanted pregnancy because of what has been detected in your baby, it is very normal to experience a range of emotions. You may also be very worried about what you will have to go through. Nothing can make this experience easy, but good information and individualised support can help you to prepare and to think through your options. 


Want to talk? 
ARC’s helpline is answered by trained staff. 

Monday to Friday: 10.00am – 5.30pm 
Tuesday and Thursday: 8 – 10pm – email  to arrange an evening call. or tel:020 7713 7486 

Comfort Bear 

The Aching Arms Bears – a tangible comfort during a heart-breaking time. 

Many parents who have experienced the loss of a baby during pregnancy, at birth or shortly afterwards, find comfort in receiving the gift of an Aching Arms Bear. Each beautiful bear wears a personalised, handwritten label with the name of the baby in whose memory the bear was dedicated.


Supporting Arms

Supporting Arms telephone and email support service is run by bereaved parents and gives you the opportunity to talk to someone who has an understanding of what you’re going through.

They hope to bridge the gap between you receiving an Aching Arms comfort bear and finding specialist support and they are there for you whether you lost your baby recently or some years ago. They don’t want you to have to go through your loss alone, whether you want to share memories of your baby with them or talk about how you’re feeling. You can also ask for suggestions regarding funeral arrangements, significant date anniversaries, returning to work or anything else. To contact them by phoning or texting tel:07464 508994 or by emailing

Supporting Arms is a flexible call back service open to anyone in the UK.  When you call, you’ll be taken to a voicemail for you to leave your name and phone number and we’ll then contact you within 72 hours, to arrange a convenient time to talk.


Supporting families through miscarriage, stillbirth and child loss. 


Child Bereavement UK offer online information and support when a baby or child dies or when a child has experienced bereavement. 

Helpline tel:0800 028 8840



The Lullaby Trust provides emotional support for bereaved families.

Phone: (free phone) tel:0808 8026868



Phone: 0345 123 2304 (national helpline-10:00-16:00 and 19:00-22:00)


Winstons Wish is a Childhood bereavement Charity

National Helpline: 0808 802 0021



The Miscarriage Association

Miscarriage is never easy

If you’ve been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, we hope this website will provide the information that you’re looking for.

We hope that family, friends and colleagues  will find the site helpful too.

We’re here to help you through. Please click here to access the Miscarriage Association website.

Please click here for Downloadable Miscarriage Leaflets - The Miscarriage Association

Morgan’s Wings is a community group based in Cardiff, South Wales. It is our aim to help parents cope with the initial and long-term aftermath of a miscarriage. Although we are based in Cardiff, we offer online support to anyone who has been affected by miscarriage: dads, mums, grandparents and siblings. No matter how you have been affected by miscarriage, we are here to help.

We offer text support, group support and have built a supportive community through our social media. Take a look on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for well-being ideas and up to date information on what we are doing.

website: Morgan's Wings




Improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of expectant mothers, infants, children and young people throughout Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Area.

(N.B: The Family and Therapies team at ABUHB is NOT responsible for the content on the webpage links that we refer to in our resource sections and linked information to external sites. All information was accurate and appropriate at the time the webpage was created.)