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Pregnant/New Baby
Pregnant/New Baby submenu
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Pregnant/New Baby
Planning for pregnancy
Congratulations on your pregnancy
Who will look after me?
Antenatal Screening
BadgerNotes: Digital Maternity Records
Your Baby and You
Your Baby and You submenu
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Imagining your baby
Thinking about baby – Early Thoughtfulness
Getting to know your baby
Good Enough Parenting
It takes a village
Myth Busters
The Fetal Medicine Clinic
The Fetal Medicine Clinic submenu
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Absent kidney (unilateral renal agenesis)
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)
Cleft lip /palate
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in pregnancy
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)
Cystic Hygroma
Exomphalos (omphalocele)
Multi cystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK)
Multiple pregnancy
Parvovirus in pregnancy
Raised NT 3.5mm or more on scan
Spina bifida
Suspected heart abnormality
Do you have pre existing health problems?
Do you have pre existing health problems? submenu
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Asthma and pregnancy
Congenital heart disease
Diabetes prior to pregnancy
Epilepsy in pregnancy
Raised BMI in pregnancy
Protect your baby during pregnancy
Protect your baby during pregnancy submenu
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Vaccines in pregnancy
Vaccines in pregnancy submenu
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RSV Vaccination for pregnant women
Why are vaccines important to pregnant women?
Are vaccines safe before and during pregnancy?
MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
Flu (influenza)
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Carbon monoxide screening
Covid-19 and Pregnancy
Staying healthy in pregnancy
Staying healthy in pregnancy submenu
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Food hygiene
Why weight matters in pregnancy
Alcohol and pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy
Maternal mental health
Common health problems in pregnancy
Sexual health
Urinary incontinence
Eat well during pregnancy
Exercise in pregnancy
Concerns during pregnancy
Concerns during pregnancy submenu
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Your baby’s movements in pregnancy
I think my waters have broken
Tummy ache/abdominal pain
Bleeding in pregnancy
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Itching and/or rashes
Itching and/or rashes submenu
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Itching or rash
Obstetric cholestasis
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pain in your calf, thigh, groin or when you breathe - Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Domestic abuse
Preparing for labour, birth and parenthood
Preparing for labour, birth and parenthood submenu
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How to choose baby sleeping products
Choosing a baby car seat
Making a birth plan
Getting organised: What to pack
What your Birthing Partner can do help
What your Birthing Partner can do help submenu
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Dads and partners
What happens straight after the birth?
Labour and birth
Labour and birth submenu
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Where to have my baby
Birth choice video tours
What happens during labour & birth
Signs of labour
Coping with labour
Pain relief during labour
Different types of birth
Induction of Labour
Tears during childbirth
Vitamin K for newborn babies
Worried about a previous birth experience?
After you have had your baby
After you have had your baby submenu
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Early days
Feeding your baby in the first six months
Caring for your newborn baby
Caring for your newborn baby submenu
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Your newborn baby
How to change your baby's nappy
Umbilical cord care
Bathing your baby
Helping your baby to sleep
Safer Sleep
Nappy rash
Safer Sleep
Your body after the birth
Going home from hospital or after home birth
Going home from hospital or after home birth submenu
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Registering the birth of your baby
Safer Sleep
Car safety
Information for new parents about COVID-19
Pain in your calf, thigh, groin or when you breathe (DVT or PE)
Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales
Helping your body recover after birth
Sex after childbirth
Smoke free homes
Blood loss – what to expect after birth
Caring for your stitches
Care and advice after a caesarean section
Pain in your calf, thigh, groin or when you breathe (DVT or PE)
Screening for Infection in Newborn Babies
What to watch for as a new parent
Newborn Screening Wales
Coping with a lack of sleep
Changing relationships
Sex after childbirth
Helping your body recover after birth
Urinary incontinence
Iron supplements
Postpartum psychosis
Making new friends in your area (app download)
Feeding your baby in the first six months
Feeding your baby in the first six months submenu
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The best start for your baby
Why early skin contact matters
Learning to Breastfeed your Baby - The first few days
How to breastfeed
Feeding Checklist
Responsive Breastfeeding
Expressing your breast milk
Breast Milk for Preterm Infants
Partner's guide to breastfeeding
Responsive formula feeding
Sterilising your feeding equipment
Feeding support
Healthy growth and weight gain
Tips for preventing your baby becoming overweight
Starting solid foods
Returning to work
Safer Sleep
Maternal mental health
Maternal mental health submenu
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Birth trauma
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
Drugs and alcohol in pregnancy
Eating disorders in pregnancy
Friends and family
Maternal obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Postpartum psychosis
Staying healthy in body and mind
Worried your baby is unwell
Worried your baby is unwell submenu
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New baby - what's normal and what's not
Information for new parents about COVID-19
COVID-19 and infant feeding
Is my baby getting enough breast milk?
Childhood Vaccinations
My baby is crying all the time
My baby is yellow / jaundice
My baby has a rash
My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby is vomiting
My baby has thrush
My baby has a 'funny shaped' head
Fever / High Temperature
Parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dads and partners
Dads and partners submenu
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Top tips for birthing partners
Changing relationships
Sex after childbirth
Support for dads & partners
Partner's guide to breastfeeding
Coping with loss
Support with the cost of living
Covid-19 and Pregnancy
Covid-19 and Pregnancy submenu
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COVID-19 and infant feeding
Parents/Carers submenu
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Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and older)?
Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and older)? submenu
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Allergic reaction
Bronchiolitis and RSV
Chest Pain
Cough and cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Difficulty breathing and wheeze
Eye redness or swelling
Fever / High Temperature
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Head Injury
Streptococcus A (Strep A)
Sepsis - spotting the signs
Sore throat
Tummy ache
Should your child go to school/nursery today?
Info about your child's medication
Swallowing pills
Life support training for families
Should my child go to school/nursery today?
Keeping your child safe
Keeping your child safe submenu
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Safe sleeping
Accidents and injuries - Keeping your child safe in the home
Accidents and injuries - Keeping your child safe 'out and about'
Sexual abuse
Keep your child safe online
Face masks and children
Keeping your child healthy
Keeping your child healthy submenu
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Children's Nasal Flu
What should a healthy day look like for your child?
Childhood Vaccinations - Essential information
Looking after your teeth
Eye screening and tests
Eye screening and tests submenu
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Eye screening and tests
Health Visitors
School Nursing
Maintaining your child's emotional wellbeing
Stop smoking - protect your child's health
Your child's development
Your child's development submenu
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General information about child development
Hand skills
Communicating & talking skills
Emotions, behaviour & play
Fussy eating, sleep, tantrums and more!
Ready for school
Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing
Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing submenu
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Advice/self-referral to SPACE Wellbeing
Children with complex needs
Children with complex needs submenu
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Sleep Advice for Children with Additional Needs
Occupational Therapy
Children's Physiotherapy
Children's Nutrition and Dietetics
Enteral Feeding and Blended Diets
Children's Podiatry
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Children's Centres
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Children's Centres submenu
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Serennu Children’s Centre
Caerphilly Children's Centre
Nevill Hall Children's Centre
Transition to adult services
Hospital passport for children with complex needs
ISCAN (Integrated Support for Children with Additional Needs)
Useful links for long term health conditions
Looking for resources for your young person
Support with the cost of living
Health for Young People
Health for Young People submenu
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Health for Young People
Need help NOW?
Need help NOW? submenu
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Feeling unwell?
Having a mental health crisis?
Need help coping with the death of a loved one?
Need emergency contraception?
Worried about a friend’s mental health?
Worried about a friend’s alcohol or drug use?
Staying healthy
Staying healthy submenu
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Healthy eating
Alcohol, drugs and legal highs
Smoking and e-cigarettes
Infection and antibiotic resistance
Physical Health
Looking after your mental well-being
Concerned about your weight ?
Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing
Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing submenu
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How to access support services in your ABUHB area
Information, advice and self help resources
Information, advice and self help resources submenu
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Where to get help
Self-help ideas
Helplines and online support
Growing up
Growing up submenu
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Exam pressure
Staying safe online
Alcohol, drugs and legal highs
Smoking and e-cigarettes
Bereavement and Loss
Driving and road safety
Dyslexia (and dyspraxia)
Body Image and Self-Esteem
Family Breakdown
School, College and Exams
Transition through schools
Young Carer (supporting a loved one)
Sexual health
Sexual health submenu
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Sexually transmitted infections
Getting hold of emergency contraception
Consent and the law
Sex and Relationships
Long term conditions
Long term conditions submenu
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Young people with complex needs
A-Z of conditions
Transition and moving to adult services
Research & clinical trials
Need information on your medication?
Support with the cost of living
Professionals submenu
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Children's Nurses
Children's Nurses submenu
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Emergency Care Pathways
Paediatric Pathways
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB
ABUHB antibiotic guidelines
Parent information sheets on common medications
WATCH (Wales and West acute transport for children)
University Hospital of Wales Paediatric Departments: Contacts,Information and Guidelines
Talking about obesity
Cancer in children
Should your child go to school/nursery today?
Advice/referral for mental health
Children with complex needs
Referral for neurosurgical advice
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
Clinical pathways - remote assessment submenu
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Abdominal pain
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Head injury
Sore throat
Unsettled baby
Top tips for remotely assessing a child
Training videos for remote assessment
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Crying baby under 3 months of age
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Jaundice in babies
Recovery from Illness
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Seizure (afebrile)
What can I do if my child won't eat?
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Education and training
Education and training submenu
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Think Sepsis
Spotting the sick child
Making every contact count
Fontanelle Podcasts
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
Care Closer to Home Team
Care Closer to Home Team submenu
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Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
GP / Primary Care Staff
GP / Primary Care Staff submenu
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Paediatric Pathways
Paediatric Pathways submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Acute asthma/wheeze
Diabetes suspected
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Rash & Fever
Parent information sheets on common medications
Referral pathway for allergies
Referral pathway for blood tests
Children with complex needs
Talking about obesity
Immunisation Guidance
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB
ABUHB antibiotic guidelines
Cancer in children
Vitamin D deficiency
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
Clinical pathways - remote assessment submenu
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Abdominal pain
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Diabetes suspected
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Head injury
Sore throat
Unsettled baby
Top tips for remotely assessing a child
Training videos for remote assessment
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby under 3 months of age
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Periorbital Cellulitis
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Seizure (afebrile)
What can I do if my child won't eat?
Over the counter medications
Useful Videos for Children
Education and training
Education and training submenu
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GP Paediatric Refresher Programme
Spotting the sick child
Antibiotic prescribing in children
Think Sepsis
Imperial College Serious Infection Course
RCPCH healthy child programme 0-18yrs
Children and young people's mental health
Adolescent health
Antibiotic stewardship
Improving maternal health
Making every contact count
Fontanelle Podcasts
LMC primary care paediatric update
Suspected diabetes in children and young people
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Should your child go to school/nursery today?
Life support training for families
Health Visitors
Health Visitors submenu
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Paediatric Pathways
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
Clinical pathways - remote assessment submenu
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Abdominal pain
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Head injury
Sore throat
Unsettled baby
Top tips for remotely assessing a child
Training videos for remote assessment
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby under 3 months of age
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Recovery from Illness
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Home milk challenge to confirm cow's milk protein allergy
What can I do if my child won't eat?
Parent information sheets on common medications
Cancer in children
Talking about obesity
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Vaccinations in Pregnancy: Flu/Whooping Cough
Vaccinations in Pregnancy: Flu/Whooping Cough submenu
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Information for pregnant mums on flu vaccine
Information for pregnant mums on whooping cough vaccine
Should a child go to school/nursery today?
Parent health literacy material
Parent health literacy material submenu
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Cough & Cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Healthy Child Wales Programme
Useful Videos for Children
Advice/referral for mental health
Children with complex needs
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
A+E team
A+E team submenu
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Clinical pathways
Clinical pathways submenu
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Abdominal pain
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year of age
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year of age
Diabetes suspected
Head injury
Sore throat
Unsettled baby
Top tips for remotely assessing a child
Training videos for remote assessment
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB
Emergency Care Pathways
WATCH (Wales and West acute transport for children)
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB
University Hospital of Wales Paediatric Departments: Contacts,Information and Guidelines
Antibiotic guidelines for children
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby under 3 months of age
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Periorbital Cellulitis
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Fractures and injury advice
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
South Wales Trauma Network
Cancer in children
Life support training for families
Referral for neurosurgical advice
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Hospital Staff
Hospital Staff submenu
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Emergency Care Pathways
Clinical paediatric pathways
Clinical paediatric pathways submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Acute asthma/wheeze
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Rash & Fever
Safety Netting Leaflet following discharge
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB
Guidelines and Pathways ABUHB submenu
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Allergy and Anaphylaxis Guidelines
Diabetes Wales guidelines
Paediatric Cardiology
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome
Renal Guidelines
Infectious diseases
Developmental Concerns
ABUHB antibiotic guidelines
WATCH (Wales and West acute transport for children)
University Hospital of Wales Paediatric Departments: Contacts,Information and Guidelines
Cancer in children
Referral for neurosurgical advice
Safeguarding submenu
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Useful links and information
Clinical Scenarios
Roles of safeguarding professionals and organisations
Report concerns / seeking advice
Parent and child information leaflet on child protection examination
Advice/referral for mental health
Children with complex needs
Talking about obesity
Dermatology guidelines and advice
Immunisation Guidance
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Paediatric Discharge Safety netting leaflets (Grange University Hospital)
Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby under 3 months of age
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Fever and Rash
Febrile Convulsion
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
otitis media (earache)
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Recovery from Illness
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Cellulitis (being treated with antibiotics)
Lymphadenitis (being treated with antibiotics)
Mastoiditis (being treated with antibiotics)
Otitis Media (being treated with antibiotics)
Periorbital Cellulitis (being treated with antibiotics)
Pneumonia (being treated with antibiotics)
Pyelonephritis (being treated with antibiotics)
Tonsillitis (being treated with antibiotics)
Home milk challenge to confirm cow's milk protein allergy
The Milk Ladder - has my baby grown out of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy?
What can I do if my child won't eat?
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Parent information sheets on common medications
Should your child go to school/nursery today?
Transition from children's to adult care
Education and training
Education and training submenu
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Imperial college serious infection course
Reducing avoidable term baby admissions
RCPCH healthy child programme 0-18yrs
Spotting the sick child
Antibiotics prescribing for children
Think Sepsis
Adolescent health
Antibiotic Stewardship
Make every contact count
Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Life support training for families
Educational podcasts - Fontanelle
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Pharmacists submenu
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ABUHB antibiotic guidelines
Paediatric Pathways
Paediatric Pathways submenu
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Abdominal pain
Colic in infants
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Gastro-oesophageal reflux
Head injury
Secondary lactose intolerance
Sore throat
Unsettled baby
Recovery from Illness
Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Crying baby under 3 months of age
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children under 5 years
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Home milk challenge to confirm cow's milk protein allergy
The Milk Ladder - has my baby grown out of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy?
What can I do if my child won't eat?
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Parent information sheets on common medications
Immunisation guidance
Should a child go to school/nursery today?
Talking about obesity
Advice/referral for mental health
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Education and training
Education and training submenu
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Spotting the sick child
Think Sepsis
Make every contact count
Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
School Nurses
School Nurses submenu
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Safety netting & parent info sheets
Safety netting & parent info sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma - Acute Exacerbation
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Fever in children over 5 years
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
otitis media (earache)
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Should a child go to school/nursery today?
Over the counter medications
Talking about obesity
Children with complex needs
Advice/referral for mental health
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Welsh refugee council
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
Education and training
Education and training submenu
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RCPCH healthy child programme 0-18yrs
Spotting the sick child
Think Sepsis
Make every contact count
Fontanelle Podcasts
Preterm Birth Information for Education Professionals
Useful Videos for Children
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
School / Childcare Staff
School / Childcare Staff submenu
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Should a child go to school/nursery today?
Talking about obesity
Children with complex needs
Advice/referral for mental health
Suspect an outbreak? What should you do?
Who should a young person talk to about their health?
What help and support is available to young people?
Parent health literacy material
Parent health literacy material submenu
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Cough & Cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Parent information on emotional/mental health
Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing
Podcasts based on clinical pathways
Preterm Birth Information for Education Professionals
Immunisation Guidance
Life support training for families
Exercise Referral for Children with Disabilities
About Us
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About Us
You are here:
Your child's development
Your child's development
General information about child development
Hand skills
Communicating & talking skills
Emotions, behaviour & play
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Frank Ltd.
Pregnant/New Baby
Pregnant/New Baby
Planning for pregnancy
Congratulations on your pregnancy
Who will look after me?
Antenatal Screening
BadgerNotes: Digital Maternity Records
Your Baby and You
The Fetal Medicine Clinic
Do you have pre existing health problems?
Protect your baby during pregnancy
Staying healthy in pregnancy
Exercise in pregnancy
Concerns during pregnancy
Domestic abuse
Preparing for labour, birth and parenthood
Labour and birth
After you have had your baby
Feeding your baby in the first six months
Safer Sleep
Maternal mental health
Worried your baby is unwell
Dads and partners
Coping with loss
Support with the cost of living
Covid-19 and Pregnancy
Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and older)?
Should my child go to school/nursery today?
Keeping your child safe
Keeping your child healthy
Your child's development
Fussy eating, sleep, tantrums and more!
Ready for school
Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing
Children with complex needs
Useful links for long term health conditions
Looking for resources for your young person
Support with the cost of living
Health for Young People
Health for Young People
Need help NOW?
Staying healthy
Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing
Growing up
Sexual health
Long term conditions
Support with the cost of living
Children's Nurses
Care Closer to Home Team
GP / Primary Care Staff
Health Visitors
A+E team
Hospital Staff
School Nurses
School / Childcare Staff
About Us
About Us