Going home from hospital or after home birth
Congratulations on the birth of your baby
When you go home from hospital (or after a home birth) your named midwife, or a member of her team will contact you the following day. It is difficult to give an exact time as the ‘calls’ are allocated in the morning and can be affected by emergencies; however new babies are seen as priority visits. You do not need to be up and dressed to see your midwife, we are happy to see you resting and enjoying time with your new-born.
She will visit you to offer to check you and your baby/babies over. She will also be able to give you lots of advice about safe sleeping and caring for your baby, as well as infant feeding support.
Your midwife will discuss a plan of post-natal visits with you based on how you are feeling, how confident you feel, the type of birth that you had and how successfully your baby is feeding. It will also depend on your physical and emotional health.
Your midwife can talk to you about your birth experience if you would like to (offer a reflection) where she can answer any questions and help you understand the birth.
You will be offered a Newborn Bloodspot screening test for your baby at a later visit (sometimes known as ‘the heel prick test’) and you can find more information about this the link below.
You have 42 days (six weeks) to register the birth of your baby. Please see information below on how to register your baby’s birth.
You will need to register your baby with your local GP surgery.
You will need to organise a six-week review for yourself with the GP. This is strongly advised for all new mums to ensure that you are feeling well after having your baby and to assess any additional needs or ongoing care required.
Child benefit
This is payable from the date your baby is born and is paid by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Most people with a child qualify for child benefit and can receive it regardless of income. If you or your partner earn over £50,000 (individually, not joint income), some or all of your child benefit will be paid back through tax. Child benefit can be paid directly into your bank or savings account or through a Post Office or national savings account that accepts direct payment. There is a form for child benefit in the ‘bounty pack’ handed out by the hospital after your child is born.
Further information Get the form by phone on 0300 200 3100 or visit https://www.gov.uk/child-benefit
You will also need to decide upon and organise contraception - the information below may be helpful.
Remember to do your pelvic floor exercises. (please see the physiotherapy section)
All care is personal to you and your baby so please discuss individual concerns with your midwife.
You will also be contacted by the ‘Responsive Team’ who will ring to see if you need any infant feeding advice, help or support. They will also ask about your emotional health.
Your midwife will visit for up to/around 28 days after the birth of your baby. The role of the health visitor Health visitors are registered nurses with an additional qualification in Public Health Nursing. Your health visitor will be a great source of support and information. They will visit you at home and then invite you and your baby to attend a child health clinic. This is your chance to ask questions, talk about baby care and have your baby’s health and growth checked. Your health visitor will also give you a number to call if you ever need any advice about your baby.
You will be given some contact numbers and are welcome to call for advice at any time (24/7).
Covid-19 research study 
We are asking for help during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Have you had symptoms of Covid-19 during your pregnancy with or without symptoms?
- Have you had symptoms of Covid-19 and had a negative test?
- Have you had a positive test for Covid-19 without any symptoms?
If so, would you be interested in taking part in a Covid-19 research study?
Please email the midwifery research team with your name, telephone number and a time/date that’s convenient for us to contact you. Many thanks. Email: ABB.MidwiferyResearchTeam@wales.nhs.uk
Welsh for Children - Mudiad Meithrin
Welsh for Children - Mudiad Meithrin is an organisation that is passionate about giving all children the opportunity to play, learn and grow through the medium of Welsh. Welsh for children is available from the outset to help you as a new parent to speak Welsh with your child at home and to support you in choosing Childcare and Welsh-medium education.
Their free weekly groups such as Baby Massage and Yoga and Story and song signing help you learn more about which nursery rhymes, books and apps can be delivered at home – they are also an opportunity for you to socialise and meet new parents.
It is also possible to join our online sessions for further support – Baby massage, Me and my Mabi and Cuppa &Chat Welsh to practise your Welsh.
Telephone numbers for your local services:
Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Hospital
Birth Centre - 01443 802437
Nevill Hall Hospital
Birth Units - 01873 732137
Royal Gwent Hopsital
Birth Units - 01633 234009
Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan Hospital
Birth Units - 01495 363309

Telephone numbers for your local services:
Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Hospital
Birth Centre - 01443 802437
Nevill Hall Hospital
Birth Units - 01873 732137
Royal Gwent Hopsital
Birth Units - 01633 234009
Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan Hospital
Birth Units - 01495 363309
The Responsive Feeding Team works alongside the Community Midwives and Health Visitors to offer support and advice with feeding your baby for the first month after you have been discharged from hospital. They support with both breast and bottle feeding. The Team contact you by phone within 72 hours of you leaving hospital and at regular intervals during the first four weeks, they offer support by phone or by visiting you at home, whichever is best for you.
How they can help
Their Nursery Nurses are trained to offer support with all aspects of feeding including:
- Positioning and latching on for breast feeders
- Responsive Feeding – recognising when your baby is hungry or full
- Colic & Wind Relief, using natural baby massage techniques
- Advice on making up feeds and safe sterilisation of equipment.
- Support regarding your emotional health/baby blues and can access expert support if required.
The responsive feeding teams cover all babies born within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board maternity services and offer additional support with feeding and maternal mental health.
They are available to support parents in building a loving relationship with their baby and giving them the best possible start in life.
If you would like to speak to a member of the Team please contact the Responsive Advice Line on:
Caerphilly - 01443 802790
Blaenau Gwent - 01495 355584 or 0800032333
Monmouthshire - 01873 735424
Newport - 07773162301
who can also put you in touch with your local team.

The Responsive Feeding Team works alongside the Community Midwives and Health Visitors to offer support and advice with feeding your baby for the first month after you have been discharged from hospital. They support with both breast and bottle feeding. The Team contact you by phone within 72 hours of you leaving hospital and at regular intervals during the first four weeks, they offer support by phone or by visiting you at home, whichever is best for you.
How they can help
Their Nursery Nurses are trained to offer support with all aspects of feeding including:
- Positioning and latching on for breast feeders
- Responsive Feeding – recognising when your baby is hungry or full
- Colic & Wind Relief, using natural baby massage techniques
- Advice on making up feeds and safe sterilisation of equipment.
- Support regarding your emotional health/baby blues and can access expert support if required.
The responsive feeding teams cover all babies born within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board maternity services and offer additional support with feeding and maternal mental health.
They are available to support parents in building a loving relationship with their baby and giving them the best possible start in life.
If you would like to speak to a member of the Team please contact the Responsive Advice Line on:
Caerphilly - 01443 802790
Blaenau Gwent - 01495 355584 or 0800032333
Monmouthshire - 01873 735424
Newport - 07773162301
who can also put you in touch with your local team.
Health Visitors
The role of the health visitor Health visitors are registered nurses with an additional qualification in Public Health Nursing. Your health visitor will be a great source of support and information. They will visit you at home and then invite you and your baby to attend a child health clinic. This is your chance to ask questions, talk about baby care and have your baby’s health and growth checked. Your health visitor will also give you a number to call if you ever need any advice about your baby.

Health Visitors
The role of the health visitor Health visitors are registered nurses with an additional qualification in Public Health Nursing. Your health visitor will be a great source of support and information. They will visit you at home and then invite you and your baby to attend a child health clinic. This is your chance to ask questions, talk about baby care and have your baby’s health and growth checked. Your health visitor will also give you a number to call if you ever need any advice about your baby.