Some of the things that make this possibly the most challenging but rewarding experience you will ever have are:
Raising a baby through childhood into adulthood is just about the most demanding thing you will ever do, it requires endless patience and adaptability
It is also a huge responsibility, again, by far the greatest you will ever have
But it is also probably the most profound and important emotional relationship you will have
As your bond and relationship develops, as your baby develops and grows with love, the sense of reward you will feel will be immense
Which is not to say you won’t still feel incredibly frustrated and angry too sometimes. Often you will feel both those things and more at the same time
Being a parent is deeply affecting, emotionally intense – nature designed us that way because babies are born so small and vulnerable and unready for the world and they need our protection for a long time
There will be times when you feel overwhelmed or question yourself as a parent and although not everyone will tell you this, it is normal to feel this way. Here are a few things it might help to know though to get you started.