ISCAN (Integrated Support for Children with Additional Needs)

What is ISCAN?
ISCAN (Integrated Support for Children with Additional Needs) aims to provide a single point of access for children and young people from birth to 18 years with two or more developmental needs to ensure they receive the right support at the right time.
Where is ISCAN?
ISCAN accepts referrals - from professionals only - for any child/young person residing in Gwent. The ISCAN team operates from the three children’s centres:
Serennu Children’s Centre (ISCAN South)
Tel: 01633 748 003 / 01633 748 004
Nevill Hall Children’s Centre (ISCAN North)
Tel: 01873 733 163
Caerphilly Children’s Centre (ISCAN West)
Tel: 02920 867 447
ISCAN accepts referrals from professionals only. All referrals should be accompanied by as much supporting information as possible e.g. SOGS (Schedule of Growing Skills), nursery/school report, Parent/Carer Questionnaire (English) / Parent/Carer Questionnaire (Welsh)
Professionals can also request further in-depth discussion for more complex cases at any time by submitting a Request for Clinical Discussion (English) / Request for Clinical Discussion (Welsh)
What happens next?
Once a child/young person has been discussed at an ISCAN panel, an outcome letter will be sent to parents, the referrer, the GP and the educational setting (if appropriate). If any services have accepted the child/young person, the ISCAN team will ensure the child is placed on the relevant waiting lists.
Referral forms/parent questionnaire
Professionals looking to refer a child or young person please complete our online ISCAN Referral Form. Any supporting information should be e-mailed to the relevant children’s centre, clearly marked with the child/young person’s name and date of birth.
Download: ISCAN Referral Form (English) / ISCAN Referral Form (Welsh)