Quick Impact
'My child is a very fussy eater and refuses to eat vegetables'
Ask parents how they would feel about trying these options: 1) mix vegetables or fruit in with other dishes so that the children don't know they are eating them (and ask the parents how long they think this should be continued because, eventually, children will need to know they are eating and enjoying fruit and veg); 2) Try other unusual vegetables that the children have never seen or tried before and don't call them a vegetable at first until they decide they like them.
Ongoing Support
Now that their child is more interested in trying out new foods - even if they don't like all of the ones they try - it is time to let them decide which new foods the family is going to add to the weekly shopping list. Ask the parents how they think they could go about introducing this. The parents may say things such as they could look for new recipes together and challenge their child to find one with a new type of food in it, then make it together. Start 4 Life has lots of interesting, inexpensive and simple recipes on its website.