Paediatric Clinical Psychology
The Paediatric Psychology service supports children and young people with physical health problems and their families. The service is run by Clinical Psychologists working alongside lots of other health professionals. We aim to help children and their families to cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of health and illness. We work with children and young people up to the age of 18 years old.
The children we see can sometimes be experiencing difficulties with their thoughts, feelings, behaviour and ability to cope, and these difficulties will often be as a result of their medical condition, or will be impacting on their ability to manage their medical condition.
We work closely with a child's medical team. If you feel our service would be of benefit, this can be discussed with your child's Paediatrician, Clinical Nurse Specialist, or wider multi-disciplinary medical team, who can refer you if in agreement.
For further information about the service and what we do click here